University of Chile highlights DFC academic Denisse Pastén in #MujeresUchile

his week in #mujeresUchile we highlight Dr. Denisse Pastén Guzmán, PhD in Physics and Academic Sciences from the Physics Department of the Faculty of Sciences.

As an academic and researcher, she has developed her scientific work in the area of ​​Complex Systems using fractals and complex networks in earthquakes. She is passionate about the subject since she studies seismicity from a different point of view, trying to understand the dynamics of a system that is so interesting and difficult to understand. She currently works with a group of students on different aspects of the problem, and, in her own words, it is wonderful to share with younger people and see how they go from being physics students to researchers.

When she entered the Physics Department, there were only two female academics. However, in all these years, she has felt the company and support of her female colleagues from the other Departments of the Faculty.

Since 2021, she has been a member of the Network of Female Researchers and Academics of the Faculty of Sciences, an initiative of the “Ciencia 2030 project,” which has allowed her to open new paths for young female researchers in the field of science.

Professor Pastén has a message: “I would like to say this to the female students in the Physics Department; those who are now and those who will come in the future. I hope they know that they are not alone, that there are several of us occupying these spaces, and we want them to inhabit them too. We want to share these spaces with more young women who want to dedicate themselves to science and, in my case, to do Physics in Chile.”
