Laboratories and infrastructure

Chilean Complexity Cluster (CCC)

The Chilean Complexity Cluster (CCC) performs multidisciplinary research in areas like space and astrophysical plasmas, space weather, complex dynamical systems, econophysics, socio-physics, bio-physics, transport in complex networks, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, nanoscience, among many others.

The CCC is in the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad de Chile and comprises the Laboratory of Complex Systems, the Laboratory of Space and Astrophysical Plasmas, and the Laboratory of Space Climate.

1. Complex Systems Laboratory.

2. Laboratory of Space and Astrophysical Plasmas

A laboratory that gathers researchers with extensive experience in Space Plasma Physics and Astrophysics to combine theory, modeling, observations, simulations, and technology development to explore phenomena in these areas.

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3. Chilean Space Weather Laboratory

It combines theory, observations, and simulations to develop relevant models for space weather forecasting with a strong emphasis on artificial intelligence. The laboratory also maintains relevant space weather services for both; Chile and the rest of the countries. The service provides information in real-time on weather conditions in space. Besides, it allows users who need to be informed about the intensity of various aspects of space weather to sign up and receive relevant information and warnings when there is an important activity.

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