Everywhere at the same time: a path to the Nobel
By Víctor Muñoz. Academic from the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Sciences of Universidad of Chile.
“Everything everywhere at the same time.” was an interesting premiere this year. A science fiction film with dizzying trips between parallel universes, crossed stories, and privileged beings capable of jumping, at will, into the multiverse. Science fiction has that magic; proposing impossible worlds.
Except that sometimes those worlds do exist. You just need to find them. This is what John Clauser, Alain Aspect, and Anton Zeilinger achieved on Tuesday when they won the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022.
Dr. Víctor Muñoz, physicist and academic from the Department of Physics (DFC) of the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad de Chile, explains in this video why Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zellinger won this important award and the importance of their experiments that proved the existence of quantum entanglement.
Reed the column here: https://www.latercera.com/que-pasa/noticia/en-todas-partes-y-al-mismo-tiempo-un-camino-al-nobel/BEXAW7LGVVCXHJ7ZHCPRGV5WBM/
See also: Video about Nobel Prize in Physics 2022
Dr. Víctor Muñoz, physicist and academic from the Department of Physics (DFC) of the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad de Chile, explains in this video why Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zellinger won this important award and the importance of their experiments that proved the existence of quantum entanglement.